Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Who Murdered Bruce Jenner?

By Paul Wolff

As I write this article the answer to the title question is easy to answer. No one murdered him. Bruce Jenner is still alive, though not well. If you are reading this article soon after I write this, then you likely will think that these facts make what is written below pure speculation at worst, and blind prophesy at best. I admit that what follows may include some speculation (though not as much as you might think) but it is not prophesy, and I pray that the outcome for Bruce Jenner is wrong, though I will show that the guilt of the murderers is certain, even if they do not fully accomplish the wicked deed.

If you are reading this after the death of Bruce Jenner, then you will likely think the answer to the title question is clear: Bruce Jenner died by his own hand. He murdered himself. That is what the news reports say, and that is what the lawful death certificate says, so few people will bother to think further about the facts of this tragedy. The only problem is that it isn’t completely true. As happened at the death of entertainer Michael Jackson, some idiot like Jesse Jackson (no relation) will likely be quoted as saying, “We didn’t see this coming.” That is not true with either Michael Jackson or Bruce Jenner, except among those who willfully turned a blind eye to the events which led to the tragedy described above.

I am not saying that the facts of the case will not fully support the official story of suicide. That will be true as far as it goes. The problem that I am concerned with is that it will not go far enough to explain why it happened the way it did. As I write this I have absolutely no idea about the details of how it happened (because it hasn’t happened, yet). But I am sadly confident that some series of events will play out and result in the suicide of Bruce Jenner. After this happens some may suggest that my general foreseeing of this is either a lucky guess, or magic, or prophesy. I assure you it is none of these. It comes from a knowledge of the human condition, and a study of how these things work according to what George Santayana wrote, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” (see my article “Conserving History”)

Those who know human behavior can see that history does have a tendency to repeat itself. As the events unfold it is like watching a train wreck in slow motion. The final outcome eventually becomes inevitable. The only mystery is the dirty details. That is what happened with Michael Jackson. No one was surprised when Michael Jackson died that he, himself, was mostly to blame for his own death. Yes, Jesse Jackson claimed ignorance, but I believe even that was disingenuous. I also do not want to dismiss the role that Jackson’s doctor played in his death. He certainly was guilty of murder, though if it wasn’t him it would have been someone else. I don’t doubt that Jackson had seen plenty of ethical doctors who tried to help him and prevent his self-destruction, but he kept firing them until he found one who cared more for money than his well-being and would do what he wanted. Michael Jackson had been engaging in self-destructive behavior for over 20 years before his death. Ever since he first cut off his nose everyone could see that his life would not end well.

Bruce Jenner is obviously not a well man. Some are trying to say that he is no longer a man at all, and they are the murderers I alluded to above, and I will get to the specifics of their guilt soon, but of course Jenner is still a man, and will remain a man until the day he dies. Any man who thinks he is a woman is obviously not well. Furthermore, a man who thinks he is a woman and then acts on this false belief is beyond unwell, and is actively self-destructive. Even worse is a man who thinks he is a woman and acts on this false belief to the extent that he makes himself appear sort of womanly and presents himself as this woman-like person on worldwide TV and in magazines.

As I write this Bruce Jenner is only two questions away from his ultimate demise. They are: 

1) “Why am I still unhappy and/or unfulfilled?” 
2) “What have I done?” 
These questions are sure to come very soon after Bruce Jenner becomes yesterday’s news. However, neither of these questions must necessarily lead to the suicide of anyone, including Bruce Jenner, but when these questions arise who will be there to give him the honest answers that will lead him toward healing rather than feeding him more lies which will only deepen his despair?

Why is (was) Bruce Jenner still unhappy and/or unfulfilled after “becoming” a woman in his own eyes and in the eyes of media? I have no doubt that after his death the loudest voices will say that it was the naysayers who “pushed him over the edge” or something to that effect. However that is obviously false. As far as I know all those around Jenner and those in the media to whom he is seeking affirmation are only giving the message that he was “brave” and “courageous”, and that anyone who says otherwise is denounced as “bigoted” or “hateful” so these voices are pretty much silenced. The only voices that Jenner is hearing are those who are telling him what he wants to hear and they are the ones who are truly responsible for his death.

The claim that those who state the truth, and say
“the emperor has no clothes” are bigoted haters is so ridiculous that it would be hilariously funny if it weren’t so tragic. This is a man’s life they are destroying. That is why I say they are murderers. Neither Bruce Jenner, nor anyone like him, can ever be happy or fulfilled as long as he believes he is something that he is not (and can never be). Bruce Jenner won the men’s decathlon at the 1976 Olympics. Bruce Jenner was born male, and every cell in his body testifies to the fact that he is a man and will be until the day he dies. There is nothing anyone can do to change any of these facts. It is certain that simply playing dress-up and pretending to be a woman doesn’t change a man into a woman.

If anyone cares for Bruce Jenner they will tell him the truth that he is a man and can’t change that reality, no matter how much he feels differently, or desires to feel differently. Any feeling or desire which is inherently contrary to an unchangeable fact is certain to result in frustration or confusion or sadness or depression or despair or any combination of these. It is not hateful or hurtful or bigoted or wrong to tell someone the truth about themselves just because they don’t want to hear it. On the contrary, it is surely far more hurtful to encourage someone in his delusion, because once he comes to his senses and begins to understand what a fool he has been then he is more likely to despair.

If you type “Bruce Jenner” into your Internet search engine you will likely find many of the biography pages of this man have been edited to refer to him completely as a woman, even though he has fathered six children. It is a willful lie to refer to this man as a woman, but the media are nearly universal in this false conceit. Just because Bruce Jenner says (or even believes) that he is a woman, it does not make it true. As an illustration, I may want to believe that I am God, but that doesn’t make it true. I may convince myself and others that I am God, but that doesn’t make it true. Even if I believed with all my heart that I am God, and were able to convince everyone in the whole world that I was God, it would still be false. There is no amount of wanting nor believing that can make something false into something true. All claims to the contrary are lies.

All those who heap praises upon Bruce Jenner affirming his delusion that he is a woman are not helping him in any way. They may think they are doing him a great favor, but in truth they are doing him a great disservice. In fact, they are guilty of murdering him. It is true that they will never be found guilty in the legal sense, but they are guilty in the moral sense. Jesus taught in His Sermon on the Mount that in God’s eyes it is not enough to avoid taking someone’s life directly, but that God considers it murder to hate or neglect or even insult one’s neighbor. Jesus said, “You have heard that it was said to the people long ago, ‘Do not murder, and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment.’ But I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to his brother, ‘Raca,’ (an insult) is answerable to the Sanhedrin. But anyone who says, ‘You fool!’ will be in danger of the fire of hell.” (Matthew 5:21-22)

One example of how these kind of actions can result in murder was Jack Kevorkian. Not all of the people whom Kevorkian was guilty of murdering died by his hand alone (though many were actually murdered by Kevorkian, even though the cause of death was ruled “suicide”). He caused the death of many people simply by misusing his credibility as a “doctor” (he was actually a pathologist) to convince many people that their lives weren’t worth living. Although Kevorkian was falsely portrayed as dealing with patients who were already dying or chronically ill, most of the people killed by Kevorkian (60% according to a Detroit News study) were neither dying, nor were they chronically ill. Some had depression, but instead of treating the depression, and giving comfort, Kevorkian pushed them from depression into despair until they all wanted to die – to the extent of killing themselves or even letting Kevorkian murder them. He did this claiming “compassion”, but it is not really compassionate to tell people that they are better off dead.

I understand that many people will claim that the argument that I have presented in this article is “bigoted” or “hateful” but there is nothing truly bigoted nor hateful in this essay. I do not wish any harm on Bruce Jenner nor on those who are encouraging him in his delusion. On the contrary, I only wish the best for all these people. However, I am certain that the only way they will even begin to find peace and contentment is if they learn to live as the gender they are, rather than as the gender they think they are, or want to be. It is a false delusion to believe that you will be happier or more content playing a gender charade pretending to be a different gender than you are.

What may yet save Bruce Jenner is his Christian faith, if he still believes. If Bruce recognizes his sin and repents of all this foolishness, and then trusts in Jesus to forgive him for his rebellious delusions, then he will truly find peace, and will be able to live with himself as he is. When the world has gotten from Jenner what it wants and then has no use for him, it is likely that only his Christian friends, and family, will care enough for him to give him the forgiveness he needs to live with himself.
I’m not saying that he won’t still desire to be a woman, but once he repents then he will live a lot longer because he will be less likely to fall into despair once the worldly people turn against him.

I am not unaware that what I have written above has broader implications about gender confusion than just how it applies to Bruce Jenner or so-called “transgender” identity. The arguments I made above apply just as well to all forms of perversions of natural, or God-given, sexuality including: adultery, homosexuality, narcissism, and others. It is only in the interest of space that I do not deal with these issues here further.

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